When an event planner...
hosts Thanksgiving
I always think invitations are a nice touch, especially with a holiday party. So even if the guests are just close family, I may send a handwritten invitation. It's a bit old fashioned, but I enjoy tradition around the holidays. Some other options are
a Facebook invite
a simple phone call or email
Create a menu
If you're hosting, guests will usually offer to bring something. If this is your first time hosting, having them bring something you may not be as comfortable with like dessert is a good option. Or a side dish so you have less to make. If you're worried about timing, an appetizer to free up your day more is a great option!
Here's a good guideline to creating a menu
2-3 appetizers
2-3 starchy sides- I do mashed potatoes and stuffing
1 Salad
1 Veggie
Rolls or Bread
Cranberry sauce or THIS relish, which is amazing! I got this recipe from my florist, and have never looked back! So good!
2 desserts
If you would like recipes for the above dishes- visit A Foodie's Diet for Me! all the Thanksgiving recipes are organized at the bottom
Here's a great infographic from Whole Foods
Create a Shopping List
Go through each menu item and write down everything you need. And I mean everything, even if you’ve already written it, it helps to know how much you need! A lot of these items you probably have in your pantry already (breadcrumbs, sage, honey, etc.) But writing it out is also a sort of checklist for your pantry! No last minute runs to the store Thursday morning! Which is, the worst thing ever? After being stampeded on Black Friday of course!
Create a Game Plan
First, things like do dishes, set table, organize serving platters, polish silver.
Next, go through each recipe and organize the steps, see what you can do the days leading, the night before and the morning of. I do almost no cooking or prepping day of. I like to enjoy the holiday with friends and family. As many things as possible get chopped, sauted, mixed and ready to go the day before. Also I enjoy cooking, so that's my sort of quiet time, the day before, doing all my prep.
Organize your game plan into 3 sections; Days leading, Day before, and Day of. List everything you need to do for the house as a host, yourself as a host (shower, hair, makeup) and each recipe. Down to chilling wine and putting the butter on a dish.
Be ruthless, ANYTHING you can do ahead of time, do! And I mean anything. Shower the night before, put the butter on a dish the night before. Anything.
Get ready first thing. You can always touch up later, but I hate when guests start arriving and I don't feel presentable. When I feel ready to go, I appear ready to go! And therefore, guests will be much more relaxed with being in my home. Not like they've just walked into a stressful situation and feel like a burden.
Want more? My ENTIRE Thanksgiving plan is available for sale on Amazon for the bargain price of $2.99. The ebook includes recipes for keeping your whole day under 1800 calories (did you know the average American eats 4500?!), shopping lists, game plan and tips and advice! Pick it up today!